You Can Homeschool!
Answers, Methods, and Resources with Real-LIfe Stories
Written by: Carrie Strong
with a chapter on Unschooling by Meagan Todd
Edited by: Valerie Valentine and Cynthia W.
Published by: Westbow Press
Soft cover ISBN:9781664254251
Hard cover ISBN: 9781664254275
Ebook ISBN: 9781664254268
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At a glance…
This book came very close to making its way into an obscure file among other unfinished projects. Deep discouragement almost got the best of me … until I remembered why I was writing this book.
Originally, I wanted to provide my sister with the basic tools I wish I’d had when I first started homeschooling. Things like “What is the Charlotte Mason Method?” or “What are the laws about homeschooling?” However, the reason I persevered in writing this book was not only to make available short, easy homeschooling “Cliffs Notes,” so to speak, but also to encourage you with real-life, everyday stories from other homeschool parents. In addition, my passion in life is not just to provide helpful tips and tools from personal life experiences; my greatest calling and desire is to help others reconnect with their Maker and discover their God-given identity, design, and purpose.
I hope that you will find answers here to many of your homeschooling questions, but more importantly, I pray that by the time you’ve read the last page of this book, you will have seen God in a fresh new way. I have been praying for you before and during the writing of this book, and I will continue to pray that the Lord uses this resource not only to empower you to take the reins of your children’s education but to reveal to you more of God’s love and grace. I pray you will walk away recharged, encouraged, energized, and even more excited to carry out the plans He has for your life—plans that might even include homeschooling.
Throughout the pages of this book, you are going to experience real-life stories from several experienced Christian homeschooling moms.
In the first chapter, I wanted to jump right in to some of these inspiring stories to show you that no parent is perfect. We all miss stuff, we all make mistakes, we all have self-doubt and wonder at times if we’ve made the right decision to homeschool our kids. Homeschooling is never like you expect or imagine it. The reality is, life happens, each kid is different, seasons come and go, and things can get messy. If you are hoping to read a book by moms who know exactly what they’re doing and have it all together, well, you might not find that here. But if you want real-life stories and the best advice we can offer from our bumpy journeys, you’ve come to the right place!
As we continue in part 1, we will take a deep look at the benefits of homeschooling and why many parents choose this option of education. We will then explore what subjects and material to prioritize as well as where we would like to see our children arrive. The following chapter will reveal some amazing tools to help you assess who your children are. In other words, what are their strengths and weakness, and what is their primary learning style? Next, we will address how to identify readiness and when you should introduce new skills or information. Finally, we will talk about how to homeschool. In each of the chapters of this section, I left you with some space to brainstorm and jot down your own thoughts and ideas along the way that will hopefully help you gain a clearer picture of what you want homeschooling to look like for you and your children.
In part 2, I’m excited to share with you some of the most popular methods of homeschooling while giving you a glimpse into what life really looks like on daily basis for many homeschooling moms. In addition, you will find many helpful resources to help you implement the method(s) that appeal to you the most.
Following all of the events of 2020, my homeschooling world was flipped upside down. In part 3 I will share with you my journey through the trials of a pandemic, family strife, sorrow, and unexpected changes. We will end our time together with some catchy quotes and proverbs as well as more stories to inspire you as you begin your homeschooling adventure.
Before diving into the why, what, where, who, when, and how to homeschool, or before taking a look at all the various methods of homeschooling, I want to first reassure you that if we can homeschool, so can you! No perfection needed!
Sister or brother, I hope that you will be blessed and encouraged by the real stories, tips, and information provided in this book. To accommodate different learning styles, some of these stories will be told to you straightforwardly, while others will be displayed more hypothetically. I hope you can gather some new information in the way that is most optimal for your learning style and that you will be able to relate to or find your story interwoven throughout the pages of this book.
So, find a cozy chair, maybe grab a favorite beverage and a pen, and let’s dive in!